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Stalag Luft III Header


Photo of Prison Camp OfficersThe Great Escape of March 1944 triggered a tragically severe reaction from the Germans. The diversion from Germany's desperate war effort necessary to recapture the 76 men who got away through the escape tunnel reached Hitler's personal attention and he ordered 50 of the recaptured men to be shot. After this event, escape became more dangerous but attempts continued. In the confusion in Germany as the end of the war approached, especially after the Stalag Luft III Kriegies reached Moosburg, escape became easier and less dangerous. When it became obvious that the end was near, even the most ardent advocates of escaping decided to wait it out.

Artifacts & Recollections

Escape by Impersonating

Preparations for Escape

Preparation for the Tunnel

Tunnel Engineering

Security for the Tunnel

The Dodger

Escape and Recapture

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