The Ongoing Adventures of
Corey Andrew or Delaney Rose Zerr
and his or her family.The first baby picture...
Oct. 20 was our first visit to the Ultrasound Lab for a peek at the baby's progress. Since no one knew for certain when the baby began, the doctor wanted to check out where we were at.
The official due date is May 29. Unlike the old days when the doc just knew the date, now the machine takes some measurements of the head, womb and other parts we don't even want to know about and the computer spits out the date. We'll see!!!
All I can say is that I'm glad Sharon's carrying the kid instead of me. What a scary thought that such a little such a little thing can be wiggling around so early. And the Ultrasound is so clear these days - much more than 16 years ago when Becca was born. We could see the yolk sack, the umbilical cord and heart. They even let us hear the little heart beat -- popping along at 172 beats per minute. Wow! Well, the lab technician said everything was fine so far. Whew! Only seven months to go.....
OK, so I'm wondering what torture still awaits me during this crazy journey. The full bladder during the ultrasound was QUITE comfortable! Otherwise, it is pretty amazing to me that something so small can be moving around so much. Although, I can't figure out why its heart is beating so fast - after all, I'm the one constantly out of breath and ready for a nap! I guess becoming a little person is a lot of work behind the scenes . . .